Churches around the country serve a vital purpose in helping the community with different social outreach programs. From soup kitchens to after school care, churches are vital to America’s cities and towns to help citizens in need. Funding these programs is a huge undertaking and many churches need to look beyond their own congregations generous donations since it may not be enough to keep the programs going.

Church grants are a way for congregations to fill the funding gap. Faith based grants for churches are given out by corporations and foundations and they are a excellent source of funding because they don’t have to be repaid. Most of these grants assist with adding additional space by funding building, renovations or repairs. The best way to secure this type of church grants for adding or building is making sure that the new or renovated facilities are multipurpose and will be used for community programs not just for the church congregation. To find faith based grants you need to research the internet for local grant makers associations in the state where the church is based. In order to be successful with getting the grant funding these items will help in a successful application:

• The church needs to show what successful outreach programs have been helping the community and the amount of years these programs have been running.

• A well thought out plan for how the money will be used along with budgets and timeframe with the a listing of who in the community will benefit from the grant funding

• Explain how this addition, renovation or repair will improve the service the church is already providing, will it be able to help more people or can you reach out to a new group that is in need.

• Need to give documentation of why these services are needed in your area and if you do not provide these programs whom will these people in need turn too?

If a congregation can express the above to the organization offering the opportunity there is a good chance that your faith based application grant will be funded. Always remember that the organizations giving out the funds want to make sure they are giving it to a worthy cause that will benefit the community as a whole.

Services Offered

Personal Assistance

Personal Assistance

  • Home Repair
  • Rent Assistance
  • Child Care
  • Food and Nutrition
  • Medical Bills Assistance
  • Utility Bills Assistance
  • Education Assistance