If you are a minority college bound student you should research the internet for education grants for minorities which could you help you pay for college. If you qualify and are awarded the grant money it can be used to pay for college and it does not have to be paid back. This is a huge plus when trying to keep your student loans to a minimum. Being a minority means that there a lot of different grant opportunities to help you pay for your college education, you just have to know where to look and the best place to start.
The first thing you should do is fill out the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) this form is online at fafsa.ed.gov. By filling out the application it puts you on track for any federal government college aide you may qualify for including their grants. Most education grant programs for minorities will use the FAFSA to determine a student’s eligibility for their need based tuition grant awards.
The following lists are a good place to start your research for education grants if you are a college bound minority student. All of these are excellent resources and offer a variety of monetary assistance and other programs to help the student with their college goals. Each of the following organizations has excellent websites to find the help that you need. Take the time to visit them on the internet to see if you qualify.
African American Organizations and Associations
Hispanic Organizations and Associations.
Native American Organizations and Associations
The above lists are a great resource to get the ball rolling to find education grants for you as a minority student but don’t stop there, make sure you research the colleges and universities that you want to apply to, see what grants they offer for minority students. Check out private foundations that offer tuition grants and opportunities right in your own community with local societies like the Chamber of Commerce, Kiwanis Club, and Rotary Club. Be prepared to spend a great deal of time researching and applying for these minority education grants but in the end it will be worth the time and effort and lessen your college expense burden.