Small Business Grants for Women
According to the National Association of Women Business Owners, there has never been a better time for female entrepreneurs: over 11 million companies are headed by women, a 103% increase compared ...
Small Business Grant
For many small businesses, even a small infusion of capital can take a business to the next level. There are many ways to do this, from locating investors (if you have something that will give them...
Scholarships for Women series 3
Women are entering college at higher rates than men, but in STEM fields, women are largely underrepresented. For women who choose to pursue these careers regardless, there are many scholarships ava...
Scholarships for Women series 2
About the AAUW The AAUW is a non-profit organization founded in 1881 that advances equity for women and girls by promoting advocacy, education, and research. The AAUW provides millions of dollars a...
Scholarships for Women series 1
The Association for Women in Sports Media Scholarships AWSM is a nonprofit organization founded in 1987 to support women who work in sports media. They offer paid summer internships at various spor...
Scholarships for Hispanics series_Hispanic Scholarship Fund
Founded in 1975, the Hispanic Scholarship Fund provides scholarships for Hispanics and Latinos seeking higher education. It also provides them with networking and resources to help them jumpstart t...
Scholarships for Hispanics series_HENAAC Scholarships
History HENAAC stands for Hispanic Engineer National Achievement Awards Corporation. It was started in the 1989 as a means to inspire and motivate underserved students to pursue careers in Science,...
Scholarships for Hispanics series_¡Adelante! Scholarships
History The ¡Adelante! Scholarships are part of the Adelante U.S. Education Leadership Fund. This non-profit organization was started in 1993 as a collaboration between the Hispanic Association of ...
Scholarships for High School Seniors
Senior year of high school is a mix of stress and excitement. One of the major checklist items are to apply for scholarships to help pay for the upcoming college fees. There are seemingly endless o...
Native American Business Grants
In recent years, there has been a boom in the diversity of young entrepreneurs, but Native Americans are still grossly underrepresented among these. Moreover, the ones that are successful are still...